PS Photo of Baba's Photo in His hospital room.
The houses are both basking in the summer heat and the yards are growing like crazy even in July as we have had lots of rain to keep everything green. Unfortunately this means the grass is still needing to be cut ($) and vines and bushes are getting overgrown. Where the garden has been wonderful this year yielding many greens, roots and herbs it is now getting overgrown with squash vines and tomato bushes and heading toward the “dormant” hot month of August before time to plant the fall garden in late September.
Yeah, partial success!! The B house has two more of the four awnings up, thanks to Dan Sparks coming out from OKC yesterday (Saturday) to help Ron put them on the back of the house. That makes three and leaves only the hardest one, two stories up, to finish mounting. The one that went up last fall made it through the winter with only light hail dent damage, and it stayed up!
We had a great Baba meeting with the Euckers a week ago Friday, reading Mehera Meher, and then a fish barbeque with Lynn Wilhite, Dan and the Euckers yesterday. We had local ripe, ripe watermelon and watched “When Meher Grew Up” by Bob Fredericks and the Meher school on the tube.
The week before that, Mark Choi came roaring out from LA non-stop to light the Dhuni at the accident site. He was out at the site that Thursday afternoon with his little white car, doors thrown open, and a red carpet laid out in front of the Dhuni brazier ready to light it when the next door neighbor (who’s parents lived there at the time of the accident) came along mowing the grass. Mark reported that they talked and “she was cool” with his lighting the fire there. We came along later and it was quite nice to honor Baba with the Dhuni there. Does any one remember the Dhuni being lit at the site before?
Personally we have been busy also. Miriam has opened her clinic on
Be well, and we will try and write more often,
Ron & Miriam at the Heartland Center