For all of you who know our "Prague Angel", Lynn Wilhite just celebrated her XXth birthday. We had a party with a cherry pie instead of cake, sparkling juice and a big meal. Presents and Presence, aw Baba! Kittys R Us card!
It is getting brown all around this time of year here in Prague, we all went to the Christmas in the Park pageant and took a ride on the draft horse drawn "sleigh". It was a cold, clear night, a good time was had by all.
As everyone has noted below, the newsletter has been a big hit! We did get a couple dozen back for snail mail address probelems and if you didn't get one or know someone who missed out, send us an email with address at the Center, ambhc@allegiance.tv, we will send one out.
Much Joy in Baba!
Ron, AMBHC Caretaker with Miriam in Prague USA
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