There has been much interest in Meher Baba's car route from Myrtle Beach, SC in 1952. If you look on the map of His route and compare it to one of the Trail of Tears routes it matches up pretty well. We have heard that there is a book coming out about this. It is an interesting point in Meher Baba's work in America during the time He was involved in the car crash in May 1952. Last summer we had pilgrims come to the Heartland Center via the Trail and they took some very nice photographs along the way and then some of the Heartland Center. (See their photos at http://kirkpatricks.org/).
Miriam and I have been out to the West coast lately visiting family and friends (and seeing spring flowering trees!). As we return to Prague, it snowed last night, and we are wondering when spring will hit us here! Even though this has been a cold winter here, we have had a few brave Baba souls come to visit His accident site. This photo shows a frozen rose that was encased in ice and buried under snow. It was at the site during our Jan freeze and looked like it was made of wax!
We are looking forward to this year's accident anniversary in May. Let us know if you are coming and we can help with travel and lodging ideas.
All the Love,
Ron Lansing, co-caretaker AMBHC