It's half way to Meher Baba's Amartithi and this is my first journal entry of 2009! Miriam and I have both been busy with personal work stuff; she is hoping to get her medical clinic open in the next month and I just got back from the cold, white north of Hartford, CT on a business trip. The Center "complex" (now the two houses) is doing fine, a little heater problem with the Morrison house (upper left) and some plumbing fixes and a new basement door at the B House, right photo.
The OK weather runs, as they say, "hot and cold" and it does it quickly! We had 65 to 70 degrees last weekend and went out on Sunday to put fresh flowers on Baba's site next to the highway. Then the temp dropped so that we had a high of 16 yesterday and we will be seeing 50's and sun for the next week! Baba's flowers take a beating. We went out and found the water in the vase frozen solid and His red roses gallantly standing tall!
We have just heard from the Board that this year's Accident Anniversary Open House is definitely happening so mark your calenders to be in OK the weekend of 23 and 24 May! A special treat should be coming out in a letter from Debbie Nordeen soon.
Please let Miriam and I, the AMBHC Board members and the rest of the Avatar Meher Baba Heartland community hear your comments and ideas here or through the web site email, http://www.ambhc.org/ and ambhc@allegiance.tv.
Happy Meher New Year!
Caretaker in Prague