Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas in Prague

Hello Everyone! Seasons' Greetings from the Heartland Center in Prague!
Lynn Wilhite invited Miriam and I over for Christmas dinner at her house (see her beautiful table with Baba at the head). We all enjoyed the roast chicken and got stuffed! Miriam fell in love with Lynn's new kitten, Cream Puff, and enjoyed playing with her as Lynn and I worked on getting dinner on the table. In another photo, back at the Center in the Library, take a look at the Christmas spread laid out in "Michael's Corner". Our little Rosemary bush Christmas Tree will get planted outside later. Also, we were excited to find that Santa had brought a new ping pong table to the Burleson House basement on Christmas morning! And it fits!

Surprising to us transplants from Oregon, the day-after-Christmas temperature jumped up to 75 degrees and we enjoyed going out in the balmy wind and planting bulbs by the tree between the carport and the garage. We had been having below-freezing days and nights!

We invite you all to excape to Baba's Center in the Heartland this coming year and relax and refresh at His well-spring of Love.

Best Wishes in Meher Baba's Love,

Ron Lansing and Miriam Rose, Caretakers @AMBHC

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to Lynn!

For all of you who know our "Prague Angel", Lynn Wilhite just celebrated her XXth birthday. We had a party with a cherry pie instead of cake, sparkling juice and a big meal. Presents and Presence, aw Baba! Kittys R Us card!

It is getting brown all around this time of year here in Prague, we all went to the Christmas in the Park pageant and took a ride on the draft horse drawn "sleigh". It was a cold, clear night, a good time was had by all.
As everyone has noted below, the newsletter has been a big hit! We did get a couple dozen back for snail mail address probelems and if you didn't get one or know someone who missed out, send us an email with address at the Center,, we will send one out.
Much Joy in Baba!
Ron, AMBHC Caretaker with Miriam in Prague USA

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


hi guys, JAI BABA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm just taking the opportunity to look thru and read the fall publication with all the lovely pictures and heartfelt stories. we are all so blessed to have this place established in Baba's heartland for anyone who wants to visit. thanks for your hard work!!!!

i would like to request that photos have captions underneath for those of us who don't recognize or know some of the people shown. as i grow older, my memory bank shrinks and my eyes dim to detail!! so any help is appreciated.

i do hope to return someday to prague and experience His Power and Love and Pain everpresent in the soil and brick and air there. in the meantime, know that your work and dedication is so very appreciated by the larger Baba community :-)

with gratitude and His Love,
vicki alberts in tucson


Dear Angela,

It was great seeing the Fall 2008 issue of HeartBeat! It brought back Tim's and my wonderful visit to the Heartland Center in May of this year! We practically burst at the seams telling our companions back home about our trip and the power of Meher Baba's presence -- this is a MUST SEE! It was especially sweet joining you and other board members for lunch upon our arrival. Thank you, thank you, thank you and everyone who pours your heart and souls into this precious opportunity to anchor His love on this most sacred site. I've attach a photo I took - and wished I'd take more!
Rose petals at the accident site

Much love in Baba's wide embrace,

Jenny Letzkus