Hello Everyone! Seasons' Greetings from the Heartland Center in Prague!
Lynn Wilhite invited Miriam and I over for Christmas dinner at her house (see her beautiful table with Baba at the head). We all enjoyed the roast chicken and got stuffed! Miriam fell in love with Lynn's new kitten, Cream Puff, and enjoyed playing with her as Lynn and I worked on getting dinner on the table. In another photo, back at the Center in the Library, take a look at the Christmas spread laid out in "Michael's Corner". Our little Rosemary bush Christmas Tree will get planted outside later. Also, we were excited to find that Santa had brought a new ping pong table to the Burleson House basement on Christmas morning! And it fits!
Surprising to us transplants from Oregon, the day-after-Christmas temperature jumped up to 75 degrees and we enjoyed going out in the balmy wind and planting bulbs by the tree between the carport and the garage. We had been having below-freezing days and nights!
We invite you all to excape to Baba's Center in the Heartland this coming year and relax and refresh at His well-spring of Love.
Best Wishes in Meher Baba's Love,
Ron Lansing and Miriam Rose, Caretakers @AMBHC