Hi Everybody!
The new newsletter is out! And it's in color! And it was a lot of fun to put together. We've been getting nice reviews... Here's one from our latest pilgrim, Elizabeth Heaney of Tucson, AZ:
"I wanted to be sure to let you know I got the newsletter in the onslaught of mail I picked up yesterday. Fantastic!! It is really, really well done. Clear that someone (or many of you) put a lot of work into it – and I very much enjoyed sitting down and slowly reading my way through it. You know, I sometimes expect a newsletter from a group to look like a little badly-xeroxed, stapled mess of a thing. So, to see the quality in this one was both surprising and assuring – you guys must have made Baba proud with this one! Congrats on that."
Barbara Roberts in Colorado says “A beautiful, breathtaking, tears of joy inspiring newsletter!”
So. Drop us a line if you want to receive one - or if you thought you were on our mailing list but haven't gotten yours yet. Or any variation on that theme!
Love and Jai Meher Baba!
: ) angela